Monday, March 3, 2008

The tragedy of Britney Spears - Q&A

How does this article differ from the usual celebrity and gossip features? Does this article elevate itself from the typical celebrity and gossip feature?

This article differ from the usual celebrity and gossip feature because unlike usual celebrity and gossip features, it tries to glamorize everything. Another is that it gives all sides of the story, and also talks about the unglamorous side of showbusiness. The writer wrote it in such a way, that you'll be able to feel the pain of Britney and what really goes on behind the cameras and spotlights. Yes, this article elevates itself from the typical celebrity and gossip feature.

How does the writer hold the reader's interest about a subject matter that is over exposed?

The writer held the reader's interest by revealing what really happened during the more popular events that the tabloids and other forms of media revealed to us. It also didn't just focus on Britney, it also talked about Britney's past boyfriends and her family. The writer also managed to get insights from the paparazzi's and different people connected to Britney's life and career aside from writing from his own point of view.

How does the writer appeal to readers who are not admirers or sympathizers of this celebrity?

The writer appealed to the readers who are not admirers or sympathizers of Britney by not being too focused on "Britney Spears" alone and referring to her as "popstar". For me, it gives the audience room for their own mind to think that this could happen to any popstar or celebrity and not just Britney Spears. Another thing is the writer compared Britney to George Foreman, the heaviest weightlifter ever. Last but not the least, the writer mentioned references to different bands/music idols when writing the scenes or episodes of Britney's life. (Blackout, Nelly Furtado [referring to her stylist], Justin Timberlake, Howie Day, System of a down, Jessica Simpson, Dixie Chicks and Janet Jackson)

What voice does the writer use and does it work for the magazine's target audience?

He uses the active voice from a first-person point-of-view. Taking into perspective the different kinds of music/music artists involved or related to what he writes. It works for the magazine's target audience as I think music buffs will really appreciate him taking the time to do that. After all. it is a music-oriented magazine--not tabloid or gossip.

1 comment:

Rome Jorge said...

Checked, posted on time - Prof. Jorge